Emil Hvitfeldt

Results 91 comments of Emil Hvitfeldt

Hello @simdadim 👋 This is a good idea, we are currently thinking about how to best handle these types of metrics. We want to make sure our approach is sound...

Hello @giorgosm3317 ! This is not a bad idea!

Hello @joranE 👋 You are right that the columns coming out of `step_holiday()` can be a little hard to match as they don't have any holidays, they do however match...

Do you find this problem to be specific to `step_dummy()` and `step_holiday()` or is it a more general problem?

Hello @deschen1 👋 You should already be able to do this with the current version of yardstick. All the metrics works on grouped data.frames so you can call ``` r...

thank you for reporting! This is much similar in content to https://github.com/tidymodels/recipes/issues/1267

Hello @jacekkotowski Thank you for this suggestion! I will get around to doing some more {tidyclust} development, hopefully in the next couple of months, and will see if we can...

Hello @joeycouse, this has been brought up in an earlier issue https://github.com/tidymodels/textrecipes/issues/38. I'll keep it open for now while I give it another moment to think.

@kbodwin Which models would be a good choice for showing *extraction*?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this method closer to a dimensionality reduction method?