Emil Hvitfeldt

Results 91 comments of Emil Hvitfeldt

``` r library(performance) data(two_class_dat, package = "modeldata") fit Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors ``` Created on 2021-05-19 by the [reprex package](https://reprex.tidyverse.org) (v2.0.0) The error happens in `insight::model_info`...

Here is an updated reprex reflecting the changes in tidymodels 😃 ``` r library(magrittr) library(tidymodels) #> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'tune': #> method from #> required_pkgs.model_spec parsnip library(performance) #>...

Very thorough post, and good notes here too! I couldn't help to point out that you CAN take the square root of `-1` if you represent it as a complex...

Labeling this issue as "Stage 0: Now", but I have a feeling this piece of information might be lost to history/internal documents. Gave a public call for help at https://twitter.com/Emil_Hvitfeldt/status/1365466442863308801

I suspect this is due to the unbalanced nature of the classes. I think we should try doing a LIGHT upsample

We have temporarily disabled printing of the tune results to avoid showing these errors https://github.com/EmilHvitfeldt/smltar/pull/180/commits/880387cdc7f2ec730a5db3de4a176c6abb0fa082

Hello @melyale! I'm sorry to hear you are running into issues. Can you run the following code for me and tell me what you get? If you can make a...

Hey @talegari 👋 That sounds great! Feel free to open an issue, and ping me if you need any help or assistance!

I think we should document it as a section. Like we do with `Tidying` and `Case weights`, this way it will be easier to link to the documentation when the...