Emil Hvitfeldt

Results 91 comments of Emil Hvitfeldt

I have two quick comments: 1. Have you looked at the {stacks} package? https://stacks.tidymodels.org/ It provides a nice interface to do ensemble methods. 2. We are planning to add proper...

Hopefully you can get it working! At a first glance I don't think we will implement this feature since it is trying to deal with a problem that eventually will...

I investigated why we are getting this issue. `earth.default()` is calling `expand.arg.modvars()` https://github.com/cran/earth/blob/213f668f255d3b80cdb82821cd04fe53b379828f/R/earth.R#L101-L105 which temporary sets the `options()` to `contrasts=c("contr.earth.response", "contr.earth.response")` https://github.com/cran/earth/blob/213f668f255d3b80cdb82821cd04fe53b379828f/R/expand.arg.R#L60-L62 which is a unexported function https://github.com/cran/earth/blob/213f668f255d3b80cdb82821cd04fe53b379828f/R/expand.arg.R#L97-L111 So the...

After fixing a bug in {textrecipes}, I can reproduce the error, but it is not happening in {textrecipes}. Below is a reprex. They the fitted workflows produce different predictions (quite...

This looks like it might be a xgboost thing, and is "expected behavior" https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/issues/1634, https://www.kaggle.com/c/porto-seguro-safe-driver-prediction/discussion/40835

I would like to clarify that using the sparse matrix representation with XGBoost is something tidymodels fully supports. It just happens to be that xgboost is designed to behave differently...

Hello @mkhansa 👋 that is unfortunate, it shouldn't have crashed the session altogether. The error you are getting is telling you that it can't find the `mixOmics` package. And it...

I see. Can you paste what you get if you call `sessioninfo::session_info()` after loading the packages ```r library(recipes) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(embed) ```

Hmm, that is odd. Could you try re-install the `uwot` package, restart the R session and try again?

Thank you! Are you able to run the following code? If yes then you are having a {uwot} issue and not a {embed} issue. ```r library(uwot) umap(X = iris[, 1:4],...