Emil Hvitfeldt

Results 91 comments of Emil Hvitfeldt

> Thank you for your time! That is why I'm here! # Idea 1 have you tried installing the dev versions of {embed} and {recipes}? ```r # install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("tidymodels/recipes") remotes::install_github("tidymodels/embed")...

Can you reproduce this result? ``` r library(recipes) library(embed) rec % step_umap(all_numeric_predictors(), num_comp = 2) embed:::prep.step_umap(rec$steps[[1]], iris, rec$var_info) #> UMAP embedding for Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Petal.Length, Petal... [trained] ```

As you have shown, `Solar.R` does contain 7 missing values, and it is this that is making `fit_xy()` complain. The error you are seeing is coming from the engine (`ranger::ranger`)...

Hello @cb12991! I'm not able to reproduce the error using CRAN versions or dev versions of the core tidymodels packages, Can you include the session information in your reprex using...

I got it! More minimal reprex below: Much like how we have `multi_predict._elnet()` we should have `mutli_predict. _glmnetfit()` ``` r library(parsnip) lasso % set_engine( engine = 'glmnet', family = gaussian(link...

This did issue get resolved in https://github.com/tidymodels/embed/pull/83 or should it be kept open for more step variants?

I have been thinking about this lately, more specifically in the context of plotting tree based methods. As a example {rpart.plot} can handle plotting for rpart engine trees, and you...

And on a related note, shouldn't the name of the feature be `sent_polite` instead of `n_polite` as the `politeness` function isn't counting words but instead summing weights?

Hello @mkuehn10! Thanks for finding this typo and sending in a PR. Would you mind building the package documentation such that the fix will propagate to the manual pages? that...

The majority of the features are documented in the `count_functions` list [here](https://textfeatures.mikewk.com/reference/count_functions.html) The wX columns are word vectors specified with the `word_dims =` argument in [textfeatures](https://textfeatures.mikewk.com/reference/textfeatures.html)