Results 89 comments of Die4Ever

Blood doesn't use a GRP file, it uses RFF but Cryptic Passage uses plain MAP files neither one seems to use CON files split off into issue #21

"I had nothing to do with the design of the .CON files. They were designed by Todd Replogle, for use with Duke Nukem 3D. This is why you don't see...

PowerSlave PowerSlave demos added some data for PowerSlave support should Map version 6 be a subclass or just some if statements? probably don't need an abstract...

Duke 3D World Tour uses an external USER.CON file, need to support external files, maybe with just a "../" prefix in the config for the file name, also need to...

reminder this draft has been here for a while, did you still want to do this?

we could also require at least 2 out of 4 traces to be a hit, so you won't be able to cheese pickups through glass cabinets like Ramisme does?

Instead of doing a ton of traces, we could do a radius actors search and determine if they're close to our crosshair by figuring out the angle of the vector?...