Daniel Lo Nigro

Results 263 comments of Daniel Lo Nigro

> I was also not able to test, because I don't know how. There's some docs here: https://buildsize.org/docs/development. Admittedly I haven't touched this project in a while either, but the...

If you'd like, I can try this out myself, if you don't get to it. Sent from my phone. On Sat, Mar 16, 2019, 1:40 AM Daniel Tschinder wrote: >...

Good idea. I don't have duplicate file names in any of my projects so it hasn't been an issue for me. Something to consider: What do we do if there's...

I started working on this: https://github.com/Daniel15/BuildSize/commit/a3690cba7ed21b3f9fa1914f0b62ebdf89db7c23 However, a problem I encountered is that the default CircleCI artifacts directory (`$CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS`) is a temporary directory with a random name, so the full...

> As long as they don’t change the names… Yeah that's what I'm worried about - It's purely an implementation detail. However, perhaps we could look at all the file...

Unfortunately, I haven't had time to look at this at all :( I wonder if we should store the full path and strip it only when displaying it.

I haven't had time to write docs, although any pull requests are appreciated. BuildSize is a pretty standard Laravel app.

I thought about this some more, and I realised that self-hosting is almost the same as setting up a development environment, which is documented at https://buildsize.org/docs/development. The only major difference...

Yeah, this is tricky... One option is to delete the old comment then post a new one, but then you lose historical context. Maybe a good idea is to edit...

@Toxicable It makes sense in some cases (in that deleting one file *does* reduce the total size of build artifacts). I agree that it's a bit confusing though. > I'd...