Daniel Lo Nigro

Results 263 comments of Daniel Lo Nigro

My current workaround is a root cronjob to kill it every few hours. Not ideal, but it helps: ``` 0 */3 * * * killall rtsp2webrtc_v5_armv7 > /dev/null ``` I'll...

Thanks for this example! It's very useful. I wonder if it's worth using [craco](https://github.com/gsoft-inc/craco) to use PostCSS + Tailwind with Create-React-app, instead of using the PostCSS CLI.

For what it's worth, for [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/) we use `osslsigncode` to sign the installer, using a code signing certificate purchased from DigiCert. I actually built a webapp called SecureSign (https://github.com/Daniel15/SecureSign) to...

I wrote the `update-homebrew.sh` script that Yarn uses to push release to Homebrew (linked above)... Let me know if you have any questions about it :)

I am not a lawyer, but I think as-is this license is unenforceable due to being overly vague and broad. Terms like "harm" and "underprivileged" should have precise definitions as...

As far as I know, in order to be GPL compatible, a license either needs to have fewer restrictions than GPL (eg. MIT, BSD), or explicitly allow relicensing (eg. the...

Yarn can be used for packages other than JavaScript though - For example you can manage CSS frameworks (eg. Bootstrap) with it, and I think Reason may use it (or...

cc @Haroenv is there something weird with Algolia's indexing here?

@thejameskyle - I assume we'd create a CNAME like `*.preview.yarnpkg.com` or something like that, but Netlify support would be able to clarify 😄

Overall this sounds somewhat similar to how Packagist (PHP) works. With Packagist, the only way to push a package is by tagging your repo with a version number, and then...