
Results 64 issues of CrazyFlasher

I love Feathers since early Starling versions. Using openfl haxe version for some pet-projects. Currently looking forward to do some frontend stuff with TypeScript and it would be cool if...

1. Is it possible that support and updates will be dead soon? 2. Is it currently support 3D combined with 2D? 3. Is FBX parser implemented for 3D models with...

1. For example I have class **AppFactoy** with private **Container** 2. I have multiple instances of **AppFactoy** that have their own bindings. Simple raw sample with ordinary injections (not lazy):...

```haxe package express; typedef Application = { ... @:overload(function(port:Float, hostname:String, ?callback:() -> Void):node.http.Server { }) @:overload(function(port:Float, ?callback:() -> Void):node.http.Server { }) @:overload(function(?callback:() -> Void):node.http.Server { }) @:overload(function(path:String, ?callback:() -> Void):node.http.Server...

![image]( ```haxe @:uiComp("view") // Naming scheme of component classes can be customized with domkit.Macros.registerComponentsPath(); class ViewComp extends h2d.Flow implements h2d.domkit.Object { static var SRC = for( i in icons )...

Using `TextFieldTextRenderer` Parent container uses `AnchorLayout` **Label properties:** ``` label.wordWrap = true; label.maxWidth = 300; label.padding = 20; label.paddingRight = 40; var layoutData:AnchorLayoutData = new AnchorLayoutData(); layoutData:AnchorLayoutData.left = 0; label.layoutData...


Is it implemented in Feathers, or should I create this check manually?


How to create layout with resizable parts? Something like this: ![resize](
