Results 117 comments of CppCXY



I don't know how `virtual lines` is implemented, I just respond to requests according to standard lsp, maybe you can try formatting with [cli](https://github.com/CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle/releases) to see if it will cause...


依赖库lsp4j的问题, 他认为workspace这个变量不可为空,但实际上是可空的. 另外正在基于RUST重写emmylua语言服务, 所以emmylua ls最近没啥改动.

> Not sure if this is related, but here's some findings: [pkulchenko/MobDebug#74](https://github.com/pkulchenko/MobDebug/issues/74) Please use `emmy new debug`, I know it doesn't have English documentation, but you can open a new...

> It actually breaks all IDEA based IDE's Pycharm broke when I tried to use the plugin same with Rider, Webstorm and CLion check first if there are other lua...

> I guess, this issue duplicates #415 now. Maybe should focus on one of those... The author has been busy, so the problem is not solved yet. I also have...

code format has standlone cli tool