Results 117 comments of CppCXY

> 想问问你哪里调试器能用吗 啥

> > > 想问问你哪里调试器能用吗 > > > > > > 啥 > > 版本Rider2021.3.1和EmmyLua,现在设置界面loading倒是没什么问题,但是调试器我根据群里视频和文档走了一遍,还是Connection refused: connect,不知道现在问题出现在那里,想问问他那边能不能运行来着 很明显你没看文档,连接失败的原因是进程 require emmy_core 失败,自己好好看你们的报错,多半是在custom loader 中错误处理了dll。如果你什么都不想改,或者不知道我在说什么,在windows10以上直接使用附加调试就好了,附加调试需要装emmylua attach插件

install idea grammar kit, and right click and select generate parse code. but emmylua perhaps won't choose compatible with LDoc. the emmylua doc has been accepted by many, If you...

> I have same problem. After installing the plugin to intellij or clion, it freeze whole ide in the indexing process. I have installed 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 lua in...

> very similar problem. > 0. placing breakpoint > > 1. starting debug server in IDEA > 2. starting Lua program with following code at beginning > Following code at...

java 本身瞬时内存占用很大,java性能又和jdk版本息息相关,如果8g内存都吃完了,说明遇到了很大的单文件了, 可以考虑排除解析这个文件。jdk版本可以选择jdk11

No,But you can fork and modify the source code to be compatible with fennel

rider2021你需要在unity的Editor->project settings->Editor/ Additional extensions to include 里面添加lua

1.安装emmylua 插件 2.创建文件的时候不要一路enter把 txt关联到这个文件去了,通过修改file types解决