Results 117 comments of CppCXY

this feature just to warn you this is an upvalue

> Is there a way to specify files from which it will look up the global scope ? > > I'm currently using the EmmyLua plugin to help development of...

the vscode plugin lua-language-server support ---@param fff? number Other requirements can also be mentioned to the author。

use the [emmylua annotation](https://emmylua.github.io/) will help the go to declaration

This is not emmylua annotation syntax, here should be ```lua -- fishlive/layout.lua ---@class fishlive.layout local layout = { _NAME = "fishlive.layout" } return layout ``` and init,lua ```lua -- init.lua...

Ctrl b will jump to his definition ```lua fishlive.layout = ... ``` define in init.lua, it will jump to init.lua if it define in layout.lua it will jump to layout.lua...

It is too late now, If you have any questions, I'll see it tomorrow

see [navigate.zip](https://github.com/EmmyLua/IntelliJ-EmmyLua/files/7742239/navigate.zip) and some practice [resty api](https://github.com/CppCXY/emmylua-openresty-api)

这你不得加群找阿唐,这个问题其实早就知道了,但是intellij idea没有这个问题。没研究过,可能是rider有什么问题