Results 117 comments of CppCXY

从 https://ci.appveyor.com/project/EmmyLua/intellij-emmylua 下载emmylua idea211然后安装


> Also, what do you mean about rebuilding the index @CppCXY ? Google translate did a pretty good job, but I do not fully understand. File > Invalid Caches。 Remove...

Ok, I will fix that this weekend

lua plugin conflict.

uninstall plugin> invalidate caches > wait finish >reinstall emmylua.

' is not a delimiter supported by lua

Using idea project structure > module > mark as source, you can get a better experience


1. emmylua 现在都没有类型检查 2. 整个语言方面的功能是基于语言服务,语言服务是一个单独的jar