Results 117 comments of CppCXY

this repo's formatting algorithm is come from [EmmyluaCodeStyle](https://github.com/CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle). you can get cli tool from [release](https://github.com/CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle/releases)

the default `indent_size` is 4. If my formatter is really working then ```lua local a = 123 local dddd = 123 ``` will be formatted as ```lua local a =...

In fact there is a setting that the formatter use editor settings for indentation

sumneko requires that since it is a formatter on the language server, it should use the formatoptions passed by the language server protocol. it specifies indentation

> I have the same issue, both `.editorconfig` and `lspconfig['sumneko_lua'].setup.settings.Lua.format` formatting settings are ignored. > > My neovim config: > > ```lua > nvim_lsp['sumneko_lua'].setup { > on_attach = on_attach, >...

Because we are a language server, we should respect the parameters used when lsp specifies formatting

Diff into a lot of edits may have a large consumption, and there is no consideration in this regard for the time being. maybe this will be considered in the...

你写的测试没有办法简单通过,比如换行符我有可能会输出为\r\n, 或者我应该 if TEST then return

in sumneko_lua, type-on-format uses sumneko's own function. but the formatter of sumneko lua used, supports type format

> still freezing for me on 2022.2.4. only release for 2022.3