Results 90 comments of John

You shouldn't need to update the SPIFFS file, no. The latest just has some text changes in the admin interface. It sounds like the esp32 is freezing. Are you using...

@McGeaverBeaver I'm sorry it's still giving you issues. If it's not memory, the ESP32 is either having issues with power, or staying connected to your AP. Is your network configured...

Thanks for clarifying! I meant to say, regarding power issues, is that the ESP32, for some reason, requires more power than what is available, or there is just something wrong...

Oh okay - you must not be in my order system. Please send me your mailing address via this form:

Great, I'll send it out today!

@McGeaverBeaver It should try to reconnect to your AP every 5 min if it fails, yes (assuming the ESP32 isn't frozen), and will be in AP mode otherwise. The blue...

I'm not sure why you wouldnt be able to access the interface with v2.6. Was the blue light blinking on the esp32? If so, it was either in AP mode...

Thanks for bringing this up. You're absolutely correct. The documentation & code comments needs to be updated/corrected. I'm sorry that it tripped you up initially! 1. I'll correct this in...

Fixed this in config.js under the admin save event: ``` self.saveAdminFetching = ko.observable(false); self.saveAdminSuccess = ko.observable(false); self.saveAdmin = function () { var adminsave = { user: self.config.www_username(), pass: self.config.www_password() };...

Awesome! Thank you for sharing. I'll link to this in the readme.