Chi Liu
Chi Liu
Hi, @catherineel The [microeco]( package and its [tutorial]( may be useful resources for your metabolic pathways analysis.
Hi @jblwt67 Good question! You are right. Currently, the function filters all the unidentified taxa, as those taxa are not clear and generally convery little information to the readers in...
Hi, Thanks for your appreciation! The classes depending on the result of `cal_abund` function are mainly trans_abund and trans_diff. It does not refer to the choice of customized change of...
Hi Jack, Thanks very much for your suggestion. It will be done in the next release. Best, Chi
Please try: ``` abundanciarelativa
Hi @sdhorse I carefully checked the codes I originally wrote and found that the p value adjustment for KW_dunn works only inside the invoked dunnTest function of FSA package. Now...
Hi @milyzhou, Theoretically, I think it is feasible to do trans_alpha and trans_beta at each taxonomic level or pathway level for HUMAnN results, depending on the explained question. To restrict...
Do you mean the random network like this ( or constructed based on the community with a null model or from a paper? I have not created a functin to...
Thanks. I updated the package in github and add a function `random_network`. Please reinstall it from github and have a try. Here is my test. ``` library(microeco) data(dataset) t1
Yes. I forgot to tell you the parameter `output_sim` can control whether output each result of simulation. When `output_sim = TRUE`, the columns from five to the last are the...