
Results 14 issues of nangua

我在windows下安装了protobuf,并加入了环境变量。在用cmake对srpc进行编译的时候报错,报错内容如下: CMake Error at src/CMakeLists.txt:17 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Protobuf" with any of the following names: ProtobufConfig.cmake protobuf-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "Protobuf"...


I use V1::OverlaySystem to render 2D images. I created two windows, but the OverlaySystem is a singleton, causing my two windows to render the same image. My rendering process is...

In Ogre 1. x, a buildTangentVector method is provided to generate tangent vectors, but it does not seem suitable for MeshV2 in 2. x, and a corresponding new function is...


Is there a D3D12 support program?


Hello. I would like to ask, in ogre, how do I know that the current frame has been rendered by the gpu? For example, when I render to the texture,...

When I create a blank c++ game project: ![1697188600570]( ![image]( log: [testUe.log]( help me

![image]( ![image]( i change open(xxx,'utf-8') is same error,just gbk change to utf-8

Hi! The Metal rendering API is 120FPS regardless of whether vsync is set, and all Samples are like this. Under Windows, it can run to 1300fps. Metal API I use...

HI! I have a camera that specifies which objects are visible, using the setVisibilityFlags interface. When I add multiple objects to the camera, some visible objects that were not initially...