Tristan Grespinet

Results 64 comments of Tristan Grespinet

"17/17:RichTextEffect" is originally the hint_string registered with the property but somehow it ends up exported as the type in the api.json. `ADD_PROPERTY(PropertyInfo(Variant::ARRAY, "custom_effects", (PropertyHint)(PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT | PROPERTY_USAGE_SCRIPT_VARIABLE), "17/17:RichTextEffect", PROPERTY_USAGE_DEFAULT, "RichTextEffect"), "set_effects",...

So where is the responsability ? Should the way we register it to the ClassDB change or should the generation of the json be adapted ? In both case, on...

It seems that Vnen already fixed the line that caused the export of the hint_string a while ago. Edit: But looking at the api.json in the 3.x branch, the...

Yes that's what I meant.

Cores internally use 32 bits, but the property getters and setters will use a 64 bits type, it would be then narrowed. Same with the functions of core type. Let's...

My 4th implementation with a dirty trick but that will allow us to freely use Int/Float (not like implem 2/3) ```kotlin open class Dictionary internal constructor(keyClass: Class, valueClass) : AbstractMutableMap()...

No, we can't. To check the class we need a reified T, that's why I'm using a fake constructor because there is no class level reified type.

Starting from Kotlin 1.4, Jetbrain will be rewritting the whole Kotlin compiler ( a new unified one for JS/JVM/Native, so far the Native compiler has been a standalone tool). The...

I agree that it's becoming messy. I think I'll handle this one as I had started to clean this file a few months ago and I already had some plans...

It's just that we forgot to release some JNI variables in the C++ code. We know the source of it, you don't need to investigate, it's going to be fixed...