
Results 201 comments of CasualPokePlayer

If this is to be waterboxed, Vulkan/DirectX/GL will not be options (native GPU stuff is not possible in the box), it will have to be software rendering. Single threading would...

Likely just bad states somewhere, just forgetting a few variables can propagate to disastrous results. Having a JIT around probably is not doing any favors here. Threading in various places...

That further supports it's state related.

Nobody should be committing to the main branch? I don't see how well that would work out, given how segmented the project is itself, and how many submodules there are....

Unsupported mappers not loading is intentional (the core would reject it anyhow), someone has to add in mapper support (which if it's some bootleg mapper might not be easy or...

Rejecting unsupported mappers will not change for Gambatte (can't speak for GBHawk). This game looks like some bootleg game, probably a simple mapper/clone of an official mapper. Probably isn't too...

"freeze it to 0xEA" So you changed it after the mapper is set. Gambatte isn't constantly checking that address and changing the mapper midgame, that's insane. And your example would...

Don't know where you got the idea we hate dolphin. It wouldn't be coming to bizhawk because its frontend already provides capable TASing tools, is under active development, and due...

Dynarec/GPU stuff/FastMem are all things that can be disabled, it just has the cost of you get < 1 FPS emulation, so it's practically unusable.

The way that the options work is fairly simple: Fixed boot time will allow for the select time to be used on boot, if it's disabled then whatever the current...