After GEM2, how to directly get the mapping rate ? or I should calculate by myself? than how? Btw, if I directly use "samtools flagstat" on the BAM files from...
What should I do to get a file containing the coordinates of TAD after I running "find_tad", I can only using "savefig" to get the picture but failed to get...
I have successfully installed version 2.0.7 and ran it with no problem, however, I failed to ran version 1.12.0 and got this error: celescope rna --help Traceback (most recent call...
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'featureCounts -s 1 -a merged.combined.gtf -o ./La-alveolar-mid -R BAM -T 12 -t gene ./La-alveolar-mid/ 2>&1 ' returned non-zero exit status 255. Empty self.gene_id. Run self.get_id_name first. Here is...
Hi ! very insteresting tools. I have problems in step 2 for running ncbitax2lin to generate a raw "ncbi_lineages" file from the NCBI taxdump. Here is the report: ## gzip:...