Brad Larson

Results 79 comments of Brad Larson

If you manually finish recording, you can use the finishRecording method on your MovieOutput to provide a callback block for when that has completed. Unfortunately, in the case of playing...

If you're dealing with a still image, you'll want to call processImage() on your PictureInput to update the rest of the render pipeline. -useNextFrameForImageCapture was for something completely different (image...

@ysoftware - Sorry, I was referring to dougfm's comment above. Wanted to make it clear that the old way of doing things from the Objective-C codebase didn't really apply here,...

@shuqinlee - filterWithOperation() is a convenience method that isn't the most efficient way of reusing a filter. I'd recommend manually attaching the image to the filter along with a PictureOutput...

We really appreciate the interest from everyone in the project. Community contributions have added huge chunks of functionality to GPUImage over the years, and I'm always grateful for what people...

This isn't yet ready, but we are working to rewrite GPUImage in Metal here: to provide a path forward when OpenGL support is fully deprecated on Mac and iOS....

Seems like something a few people have complained about lately. Perhaps something changed in the timing in a recent iOS update. Unfortunately, I'm not much good with the AV Foundation...

This doesn't provide much to go on. How are you using the framework? What does your code look like? When does this happen? What do you get for stack traces...

If you've added the framework to the project, and you link against it, you need to remember to add it to a Copy Files build phase with a location of...

In the image above, the location is listed as "Resources". You're copying the framework into the wrong directory. It needs to be the "Frameworks" directory in the final application. Again,...