Brad Larson

Results 79 comments of Brad Larson

We also might be fixing this in the near term (or it may already be fixed) by lifting the platform requirements on our end. I know that was being worked...

Currently, there is no support for importing and playing animated GIFs.

A high pass filter doesn't make as much sense for still images, because it is based on a rolling average of images. To do this, it uses a buffer to...

What operation does Photoshop's High Pass filter perform? It might be performing an image processing operation that is called something different in this framework, such as a median filter. They're...

The two reasons we are using render operations initially over compute are a) ease of porting and b) last time I'd checked, the render pipeline was faster than compute for...

5120 pixels is beyond the maximum texture size of many iOS devices. This is most likely failing because it is unable to create a texture of that size, thus the...

You should be able to translate the CIKernel there into a fragment shader fairly easily in order to reproduce the same effect. You just need to extract the transverseChromaticAberrationKernel and...

Does your UIImageView support transparency? The chroma keying shader only drops the alpha channel of the resulting image in response to they keyed colors, so the RGB components are the...

I think what you're seeing is the result of the way that premultiplied alpha is handled with images in the framework. This is something that was the subject of quite...

Sure, it's just being blocked by the need for ImageBuffer to be present. We're once again working on moving over the core infrastructure for various operations before adding the ones...