Biswapriyo Nath

Results 489 comments of Biswapriyo Nath

> mingw-makepkg already does the latter right? Yes. > Currently, I'm meaning the former I am not familiar with creating installer. Others may help with that part. I have seen...

Speaking of ffmpeg, the official ffmpeg page provide some link with simple 7zip files here

Firefox developers are doing something about that

Which mirror are you using? Try to change your mirror to your nearest location in `/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist` files. I have not any issue with the main mirror

mirror = the website from pacman downloads the packages. What is the url in the error message?

What errors did you see? can you use msys2 provided python or mingw python?

By default, msys2 disables conpty feature. It can be enabled with `MSYS=enable_pcon` environment variable. Make sure to set the variable before running any msys2 instance. > why it is disabled...

AFAIK, SetConsoleMode is not required for msys2/cygwin without conpty because the text processing is done by mintty. I may be wrong. Others can provide correct answer.

@Chairn That specific toolchain is not provided by msys2's mingw packages. You are using this one

Any progress on this? Need any help with a issue? > Do you want a separate PR for qtkeychain? It is better in same PR with separate commit because CI...