Biswapriyo Nath

Results 489 comments of Biswapriyo Nath

Both commands works in my system. ``` python -c "from PIL import _imaging" python -c "from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageFont, ImageDraw" ```

Some guess. 1. Make sure there is no other python installation which can conflicts with mingw python. 2. From the first output, I guess you are using Command Prompt to...

Do you want the program as native Windows binary? Does that project support Win32 platform?

nix depends on editline project which seems to be for UNIX-like systems only.

You can use msys2 environment which is compatible with posix. That header file is present in `/usr/include/sys/wait.h`.

Can you provide which GTK program needs that linker flag?

There is no guiddef.h in jxrlib package. See file list here

> that is interesting because pseudo console support, at least for me, has always worked automatically in Windows Terminal Windows Terminal itself uses separate pseudo console process for each tab.

Also make sure the static libs are not importing from shared libraries of any dependencies (except system DLLs). e.g. `nm libqt5*.a | grep __imp`

Use the .tar.xz or .sfx.exe files from msys2-installer release. Link