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msys2 portable and change name of home directory

Open candrapersada opened this issue 3 years ago • 7 comments

is there a portable version?

candrapersada avatar Jan 19 '21 05:01 candrapersada

Use the .tar.xz or .sfx.exe files from msys2-installer release. Link

Biswa96 avatar Jan 19 '21 05:01 Biswa96

change the name of the home directory so it doesn't change automatically for portable?

candrapersada avatar Jan 19 '21 08:01 candrapersada

Can we get .zip or .tar.gz releases, please? Windows has no built-in way to extract .tar.xz from the command line.

genio avatar Jul 02 '21 05:07 genio

Maybe try the .sfx.exe file, its a Self Extracting Archive.

Biswa96 avatar Jul 02 '21 05:07 Biswa96

change the name of the home directory so it doesn't change automatically for portable?

in /etc/nssswitch.conf

db_home: /home/user

(or wherever you'd like the home directory to be)?

jeremyd2019 avatar Jul 02 '21 05:07 jeremyd2019

Maybe try the .sfx.exe file, its a Self Extracting Archive.

yea, already tried that but powershell is dying on the download: exe and unsigned content. An actual zip or any format that's extractable on windows by default (not sure why .tar.xz was chosen) would be awesome.

genio avatar Jul 02 '21 06:07 genio

Any chance of getting zips in the future?

genio avatar Jul 03 '21 17:07 genio