Simon Christ

Results 223 comments of Simon Christ

Well it's not possible right now to know how much space the tick labels will take. But you can easily adjust it yourself, by passing a tuple to `legend` like...

That should be `plot(1:10, 1:10, framestyle = :box)`.

I see, looking at the documentation, the only backend that gives you the ticks at the moment is `pgfplotsx`.

Thats currently disabled. See here: You could check out, what the side-effects are of enabling it and play with it in a PR. As a workaround you could add...

Partly a reason for doing this was to include this data as a table for a Paper on Plots. We now have a preprint for this up at The...

Well, you can only set one default label at the moment. E.g. ```julia using Plots x = 1:10; y = rand(10, 2) # 2 columns means two lines default(label =...

Marker colors are stored in the `marker_z` seriesattribute, but maybe I got the question wrong

Aren't those given from the callsite? Or do you have examples where there is automatic color assignment?