Simon Christ

Results 223 comments of Simon Christ

I can't reproduce this with GR on Plots 1.25.11 and GR 0.64.0. Might be a M1 thing? Though I can hardly imagine why

I think this has the same cause as, namely bad interaction of the argument cycling with recipes. For now I'd advise to construct only a single series per `@series`...

What would be the difference to [`pythontex`]( ( which dispite its name also supports execution of julia-code )? That is what have been used in [Algorithms for Optimization](

You are right, it does. Seems like MC is the way to go then. I found this paper:

I'm much in favor of having a seperate package for saving plotly plots to different output formats. Soft-pinning PlotlyBase to 0.7 in Plots is beginning to hurt and I'd rather...

I'm with @joshday here to create a Kaleido.jl package that takes a json-string and the desired output format and a target path and then creates a file.

I don't know much about the package, but if its just copying the stuff from `src/kaleido.jl` in a seperate package, I could also do that

> Will PlotlyJS.jl depend on Kaleido.jl? If so, what types will be used for the `savefig` methods in the Kaleido.jl source (if you look at `src/kaledio.jl` you see we are...

I made a first version here:

Does this work for you? ```julia 3.5 * unit(3u"mg/hr") ```