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Feature request: plot axes and ticks on all four sides
I would like to be able to make a plot that has (duplicated) ticks on all four sides.
Simple matplotlib example (although matplotlib in python already has axes on all four sides as default) from python3:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt,range(10))
plt.tick_params(top=True, right=True)
It's a requisite for plots, when submitting an article to a scientific journal in my field.
That should be plot(1:10, 1:10, framestyle = :box)
With Julia v1.4.1 and Plots v1.0.12 plot(1:10, 1:10, framestyle = :box)
still doesn't work for me. It does have borders on all four sides, but not the ticks.
which backend?
I see, looking at the documentation, the only backend that gives you the ticks at the moment is pgfplotsx
Try using twinx
perhaps that is what you are looking for
I'm sorry, I don't know how to use that. I couldn't find it in the docs either.
It seems GRUtils has the ticks on all four sides by default.
I think pyplot does this with box frame style
GRUtils solution seems good to me. Thanks!
Keeping open until its fixed
Not a proper fix, but here is a workaround I found. I just create a twin axis in each direction, match the x and y boundaries and remove labels using a copy_ticks function.
function twiny(sp::Plots.Subplot)
sp[:top_margin] = max(sp[:top_margin], 30Plots.px)
plot!(sp.plt, inset = (sp[:subplot_index], bbox(0,0,1,1)))
twinsp = sp.plt.subplots[end]
twinsp[:xaxis][:mirror] = true
twinsp[:background_color_inside] = RGBA{Float64}(0,0,0,0)
Plots.link_axes!(sp[:yaxis], twinsp[:yaxis])
twiny(plt::Plots.Plot = current()) = twiny(plt[1])
function copy_ticks(sp::Plots.Subplot)
ptx = twinx(sp)
pty = twiny(sp)
copy_ticks(plt::Plots.Plot = current()) = copy_ticks(plt[1])
plt = plot(sin)
This was built with code from two sources:
- code for twiny (
- code to remove labels on twin axes (
I also come to a case that needs a second x axis, so a corresponding twiny
in the Plots could be convinent, and should also be documented too.
function twiny(sp::Plots.Subplot)
inset = (sp[:subplot_index], bbox(0, 0, 1, 1)),
right_margin = sp[:right_margin],
left_margin = sp[:left_margin],
top_margin = sp[:top_margin],
bottom_margin = sp[:bottom_margin],
twinsp = sp.plt.subplots[end]
twinsp[:xaxis][:grid] = false
twinsp[:yaxis][:grid] = false
twinsp[:yaxis][:showaxis] = false
twinsp[:xaxis][:mirror] = true
twinsp[:background_color_inside] = RGBA{Float64}(0, 0, 0, 0)
Plots.link_axes!(sp[:yaxis], twinsp[:yaxis])
xref: #2579