Simon Christ

Results 223 comments of Simon Christ

I think we could extend `alignment` to accept things like `:p => "3cm"`

an alternative would be to introduce a new keyword `column_widths` being a `Vector{String}`

So, I would map ```julia pretty_table(df, backend = Val(:latex), alignment = :l, column_widths = "3cm") # \begin{tabular}{p{3cm}p{3cm}...} pretty_table(df, backend = Val(:latex), alignment = :l, column_widths = ["4em", ""]) # \begin{tabular}{lp{4em}}...

That gives me a GUI window with the following error message ``` Fehler bei der Analyse der Zeilen 5 von /etc/diffuserc ```

There was the also the `gtk-update-icon-cache` missing, so I installed `gtk-mac-integration` and it built. Running diffuse gives now: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/diffuse", line 8361, in diff...

> Any reason why Benchmarks is failing? Is it caching a Manifest? Seems it is looking for `GeometryBasics` for the run of the master version and can't find it, since...

> @BeastyBlacksmith thanks for looking at the BenchmarksCI! Yeah, well.. this is a mess though. It ought to be easier...

So benchmarks are green now. Not sure how to go about ci, looks kind of unrelated

> So benchmarks are green now. Looking at the results though.. I question the fidelity of the benchmark