Simon Christ

Results 223 comments of Simon Christ

Well essentially it is that the README is all about `SArrays` and does not mention the other types. So maybe a sentence like "Any type of the StaticArrays package is...

By revisiting the docs, for my case a `SizedArray` will be most suitable (construction is still 3x slower compared to plain `Array`, but thats fine), so that sentence from above...

Slower, but more accurate: ```julia function postdecimal_digits(x::T) where {T} isinteger(x) && return 0 str = string(x) i = findfirst('.', str) return lastindex(str) - i end ``` ```julia @btime PlotUtils.postdecimal_digits(1.245) 72.293...

> You should **not** use equality: > > ```julia > PlotUtils.postdecimal_digits(1.245) > 16 > ``` So we use the allocating version?

> I think reverting [9fc6af2]( should be enough ? > > Not the string version, it's awful. It's so far the only one that passes the tests apart from the...

I am beginning to like this implementation ```julia function postdecimal_digits(x::T) where {T} counter = 0 isinteger(x) && return 0 y = x while !isinteger(y) counter += 1 y = x...

So if we take this one ```julia function postdecimal_digits(x::T) where {T} isinteger(x) && return 0 for i in 0:ceil(Int, log10(floatmax(T))) x == floor(x; digits = i) && return i end...

I think an easy workaround would be to scale the inputs and then scale back after. Or pass a bigger number type. Though I'm not sure that function is written...

I rebased and formatted this PR just to better see the difference to the current version. It would still be neccessary to check whether the algorithms are doing what they...

> Is this really rebased ? It looks like it reverts recent additions (especially #136 which is critical). Well, when in doubt, I kept the original version, so there is...