
Results 11 comments of AndrewJSong

v0.8 can use your build file to unintstall. but it's not work for v0.6 v0.7,there is not the uninstall file. v8 in your build folder: `sudo make uninstall`

cudNN重新装一下。检查CUDA版本10.0,cudnn找对应版本 发自我的 iPhone > 在 2019年10月6日,19:46,Baominchao 写道: > > 您好,我在运行标题的程序时在命令行history =, y_train, batch_size=64, epochs=5, validation_split=0.1)遇到了这个问题: Failed to get convolution algorithm. This is probably because cuDNN failed to initialize, so...

> Hi, To address this issue, I forked this repo and add a script for docker visualization. You could check: [](url) And the usage has been added to README >...

> Hello, I have the same issue and have tried almost all the methods I could find. However, none of them can work. > > Finally, I noticed that it...

Ubuntu22 本地安装环境的相关依赖版本: 建议各位在虚拟机中尝试通过后再在实体机中安装,其中会有几个错误需要修改,百度很好解决,古德拉克 # pangolin 0.6 # PCL 1.12.0 # Eigen 3.4.0 # VTK 8.2.0 # C++ 14 (根据报错情况再修改你跑的项目的cmakelists.txt) # jsoncpp,需要将jsoncpp里包含头文件的json文件夹拷贝到manual_calib的include文件夹中。(这个找到git的项目主页拉下来源码) VTK的安装依赖比较麻烦,多看看教程

> > 没错,使用docker尝试过在远程服务器/本机/虚拟机/有无显卡的机器上测试,均无法实现图形界面显示。最后还是自己安装PCL VTK OPENCV实现可视化界面 > > 你好,我在本地装了opencv2.4.13,pcl1.9.1但是lidar2camera和radar2camera的手动标定程序总是出错。你本地是怎么安装的啊 opencv版本没有问题,问题出在其他的依赖上。本地安装依赖参考我上一个回复。lidar2camera的joint和Manuel都没有问题,radar我没试过,你可以试试看。古德拉克

> 请问是直接添加在model的config文件里面么 是的

mmdetection3d/mmdet3d/datasets/ line:67-72 ``` METAINFO = { 'classes': ('car', 'truck', 'trailer', 'bus', 'construction_vehicle', 'bicycle', 'motorcycle', 'pedestrian', 'traffic_cone', 'barrier'), 'version': # 'v1.0-trainval' 'v1.0-mini' ``` 数据集version也是固定的,应该从构造数据集的时候指定的version读取版本信息, python tools/ nuscenes --root-path data/nuscenes-mini **--version v1.0-mini**...

> I've met same error log, and solved it by adding the version key-value in the config file as below > > > test_dataloader = dict( > > dataset=dict(pipeline=test_pipeline, metainfo=dict(classes=class_names,...
