I had trained this network,but I don not konw how to test it,can you provide the mothod.THANK YOU
Without docker, the environment is self configured, ubuntu18.04.6 pcl1.9.1 opencv VTK 8.2.0 eigen3.3.9 pangolin 0.6 The compilation passes, but an error is reported when running:“**Segmentation fault (core dumped)**” Is...
### Prerequisite - [X] I have searched [Issues]( and [Discussions]( but cannot get the expected help. - [X] I have read the [FAQ documentation]( but cannot get the expected help....
### Prerequisite - [X] I have searched [Issues]( and [Discussions]( but cannot get the expected help. - [X] I have read the [FAQ documentation]( but cannot get the expected help....
### Prerequisite - [X] I have searched [Issues]( and [Discussions]( but cannot get the expected help. - [X] I have read the [FAQ documentation]( but cannot get the expected help....
1. 网络配置文件里面的plugin/fudet 与 文件结构的 plugin/futr3d不匹配; 2. tool/dist_train.sh文件格式有问题,解析错误,需要拷贝内容重新创建一个。sh文件; 3. lidar_cam:File "/share/futr3d_torch112/futr3d_rc1006/mmdet3d/datasets/pipelines/", line 970, in __call__ radar_mask = radar.in_range_3d(self.pcd_range) AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'in_range_3d'
无法完成一个epoch,每次在不同的batch时出现错误。 问题1:seed的设置默认取的0,对于数据加载是无效的吗?如果生效应该每次错误发生在同样的时期。 问题2:使用作者提供的pkl以及自己生成的pkl都是在训练的一个epoch内就会出现错误。使用mini数据集可以完成20个epoch的迭代。 **环境:** sys.platform: linux Python: 3.8.8 (default, Feb 24 2021, 21:46:12) [GCC 7.3.0] CUDA available: True GPU 0,1,2,3: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 CUDA_HOME: /usr/local/cuda NVCC: Build cuda_11.1.TC455_06.29190527_0 GCC:...
尝试跑了一下test,不管是m0还是m5,速度大概都不到1帧/s tools/ configs/fastbev/exp/paper/ work_dirs/fastbev/exp/paper/fastbev_m5_r50_s512x1408_v250x250x6_c256_d6_f4/epoch_20.pth --eval bbox [>> ] 331/6019, 0.5 task/s, elapsed: 636s, ETA: 10922s CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --master_port=29503 tools/ configs/fastbev/exp/paper/ work_dirs/fastbev/exp/paper/fastbev_m0_r18_s256x704_v200x200x4_c192_d2_f4/epoch_20.pth --eval bbox --launcher="pytorch" load checkpoint from...
### What is the feature? opanmmlab的模型的输入充满了metas的结构。 通常的参数量计算量统计工具需要矩阵形式的参数输入, 是否有计划在这个框架下实现快速的参数量、计算量统计工具? ### Any other context? None