John Gardner

Results 228 comments of John Gardner

👋 Hey @havardlj, Not directly, I'm afraid. You can, however, set `heightOffset` manually in response to a window's [`resize`]( event: ~~~js // Dummy code that illustrates `heightOffset` set // to...

What do you mean by "control/trigger box" and "content box"? I designed this component to be as efficient as possible in terms of filesize (at the risk of alienating users...

> When I call just `update`, it doesn't init recently added folds When you say *"init recently added folds"*, what are you referring to exactly?

Short answer: no it's not possible because it shouldn't be needed. Accordions can be [disabled and reenabled]( programmatically after construction, which is (almost) the same as destroying and recreating it....

Just [use this]( I don't think this runner is maintained much anymore. `atom-mocha` enables you to use an ordinary `.mocharc.js` file as a config, so you have full programmatic freedom...

[My feelings right now]( =)

I use 4-column wide hard tabs and hate it when grammars change that. If it isn't a syntactic requirement that a tab or a space be used to indent, it...

@rjbailey Do as I did and add this (or whatever you want to change) to your `config.cson`: ~~~CSON ".rust.source": editor: softTabs: false ~~~ Problem solved!

Deno is now listed in MDN's support tables alongside Node.js. In other words, it's high-time to "Denote" this repository. If you catch my drift.

No problem. Are there any particular filenames or extensions that would be using the icon?