John Gardner

Results 228 comments of John Gardner

~~The format you're referring to is [already supported][1] by Linguist as `Pickle`, assuming it's the same format documented by []( However, it lacks syntax highlighting (which may give the impression...

> Hm, so maybe just a really simple heuristic then? Actually, I was thinking `.exp` might need to be registered as a [generic extension]( This is a more esoteric feature...

> or if it would make more sense to just add `.exp` to the list of supported extensions for Tcl If `expect(1)` can execute arbitrary Tcl code, then yes, it...

> I don't know what is meant by this. I suspect that there are no extensions to the crontab format. That section's referring to file extensions (as in, `.txt`, `.sh`,...

@Noordsestern Is there a particular pattern we can search for that unambiguously identifies `.resource` files used by the Robot Framework? If so, we could add `.resource` as a [generic extension](,...

> Due to the localization extension of Robot Framework, the lines could be translated. Maybe a regex would due, then. > > Would that be sufficient? I'm afraid not; those...

Hey @iajoiner, do you know if there's a normative reference for `.lalrpop` syntax?