John Gardner

Results 228 comments of John Gardner

> 98 vs 48 is not a 50/50. It's 2/3 in favor and 1/3 is against. Oops, you're right. 😞 My bad… I'm dyscalculic. > r/cpp has 200k members, so...

I'm afraid there isn't enough in-the-wild usage to qualify. Of the 1,631 search results, there are only 13 different repositories: ~~~

Sorry, we don't make exceptions to the rules. 😉 However, in this case, I don't think we have to: there are, indeed, a *lot* of results for [`COMMIT_EDITMSG`]( files on...

There doesn't appear to be any rationale behind ajaxorg/ace#4851. If upstream makes this sort of change willy-nilly, then it might be wiser to query the [latest tagged release](, as opposed...

Okay, this is weird. leanprover/vscode-lean@deb64b0 appears to be the commit that broke the syntax highlighting, according to the Lightshow results: * [`leanprover/vscode-lean@8690a57`]( (Commit prior to `deb64b0`) * [`leanprover/vscode-lean@deb64b0`]( However, that...

@theonlypwner Any of the aliases listed in [`languages.yml`]( will activate checksum highlighting. Be aware that there's no correlation between which alias you pick and what checksums get highlighted; i.e., _all_...

SPICE is also the name of a [well-known]( circuit simulation program, which uses a [plain-text file format]( to represent models and schematics. I therefore suspect most of the [~1,306 search...

@aeikum Could you enlighten us on what `.SC` files are? I googled `SC font file" but it (naturally) brings up results for `small-cap` variants of actual typefaces.

> SC - Simplified Chinese, TC - Traditional Chinese. Not sure about HC Hong Kong and Taiwan have different variations of traditional Chinese, so TC and HC probably stand for...

That issue's from early/mid 2015. Barely any of it is relevant anymore — several missing font formats were added by yours truly, and being the resident font-nerd, I'm always eager...