
Results 95 comments of Алексей

Currently QByteArray can store only 2GB size, see https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qbytearray.html#maximum-size-and-out-of-memory-conditions so for big files need implement lazy loading data when needed

This repository is only for my own use t o sync with cygwin. Create pull request with patch to https://github.com/Alexpux/MSYS2-packages for msys2-runtime package

Try run under shell: ``` rm -f /var/lib/pacman/sync/* pacman -Syu ```

Yes this s related to sf.net down. Try update later

> 4 марта 2015 г., в 21:32, Brisingr Aerowing [email protected] написал(а): > > I am using the -r option on Pacman to install to a different root (some Mingw stuff),...

it already put. See develop branch. I'm build pacman with this changes when I test it.

i don't want to split this code because it hard to maintain it. this procedures a get from cygwin build system.

https://sourceforge.net/p/cygwin-ports/cygport/ci/master/tree/lib/src_postinst.cygpart Search for "__prepstrip"