
Results 95 comments of Алексей

Well you can try to fix windres command line parsing or report it upstream

@Ede123 there are no solution for it. This warning is always when upgrade core packages. You must close MSYS2 console, reopen it and continue upgrade packages. There are no other...

@class101 it's not that some users have something broken. Grep > 3.0 broke compiler totally. Feel free to reimplement dropped features in grep and provide a patch

@piotrvv what you want to say with this? Grep broke MINGW compilers, not MSYS. You will be able to build compiler but it broken. Read carefully issues that we point

@piotrvv during build MINGW compiler we always use MSYS tools

@piotrvv I don't understand what you mean. Problem with grep is that it not properly parse output from any native Windows application because grep>3.0 doesn't properly handle /r/n line endings

@piotrvv i don't mind about this tools. Concrete mingw GCC commands output parsing wrong. Please read all bug reports about this issue before next discuss.

@piotrvv original issue is not about encoding, but encoding problem maybe as separate issue

@rubyFeedback if you want new version of grep, you can create your own package, for example grep-new, that replace grep. It will be not overwrites by pacman. Your point that...

@class101 You and others don't hear what we tell. If we will update grep than we cannot build properly GCC toolchains for MINGW packages. Mingw toolchain builded with latest grep...