Alex Kollar
Alex Kollar
This is one we don't need included in v1.0.0 Pumpkin Patch However I know MD5 cant be decrypted with use of wordlists. We should work on adding this back into...
This one might be an ask but I know some users are running other OS's than Linux. I know SINFUL! Just Kidding. However I know at some point I do...
Navi's development has taking a massive upswing in activity. As a result the wiki needs to be redone to reflect all of the changes being made and worked on. Task...
### As of right now: We have nmap automation done and accounted for. As well as the ability to save a custom file for later report viewing. ### To be...
One thing that might be broken now that we have included a venv into Navi's install / run processes is the update script. We need to have it set up...
One of the things CSI Linux had mentioned was the ability to use Navi without actually diving into the full Navi |CLI program. So for instance to get a response...
One of the things I noticed as a difference between the CLI and web app versions of Navi is that the CLI is lacking in its ability to have continued...
I think it would be pretty cool to have a Navi settings system to fine tune how navi works. This system can be as expansive as being able to flip...
We released the Navi Chip system, following it up we wanted to make it easier for people to develop hips. The Navi chip kit will include: - [ ] Easy...
As of this point it has been described as consistently inconsistent. So we should work on getting that up to I would say working accurately at least 8 out of...