Results 45 comments of huadong zuo

We are a start-up company from China and are currently using nest.js, we are working on a micro-service framework. This is the GitHub address and I would like to have...

@kamilmysliwiec Add 6.8.0 or 7.0 ?

Thank you for your attention. We will translate it after the official 1.0version/2.0version is released. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Do you use php...

@appleboy In windows, we can use "cygwin". But you have to use Docker.exe

@ahkui ok

@DungBuiDeveloper package.json is included in the project. like: composer.json

> @zuohuadong > > myconfig apache2 > > ``` > > ServerName > ServerAlias > DocumentRoot /var/www/nodejs > > Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks > AllowOverride None > Require all...

It is easier to share code between angular ionic nativescript and nest. Angular has service and rxjs , if you use apollo-client , you will find that you don't need...

感谢提的建议。 1. 原先是中英文一起。 控制器 (controller) 。 但是这样链接不是很好维护。 关于要不要 翻译 过来的问题,可以做个投票吧。 2. 原先是打算 fork 官网,然后再汉化,但是官方的提交并不标准,经常把样式修改 和 md 文档一起提交。 这就给更新工作带来了很大麻烦。因此使用了 docsify 。 目前受限于 docsify 本身。