Results 7 issues of zsau

Is NUIParse still tracking CoreParse? If not, it might be a good idea to copy over the documentation, so that any incompatible changes to CoreParse don't leave NUIParse with misleading...

Sometimes I need to tweak the url or command for a given entry, without materially changing the content that gets fetched. But since urlwatch generates GUIDs by hashing the url...


I'd like to have an action fire when my battery power gets below or above a certain threshold (percent). Unless I'm missing something, there isn't currently an evidence source for...

I [posted]( about this on the mailing list, but no replies so far. To summarize, it seems that when I call `YapDatabaseCloudKitTransaction.mergeRecord` with a record I received from a `CKFetchRecordChangesOperation`,...

Unless I'm missing something, it's not possible to limit how frequently the CloudKit extension uploads changes to the server, short of doing everything manually. Is rate-limiting (possibly per-collection) a feature...

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I'm getting hundreds of these messages per second in the Console after installing, rebooting, and plugging my adapter: ``` 7/23/15 15:04:12.000 kernel[0] /Users/mitch/Downloads/xboxonecontrollerenabler/WirtualJoy/wirtual_joy_user_client.cpp - virtual IOReturn com_alxn1_driver_WirtualJoyUserClient::externalMethod(uint32_t, IOExternalMethodArguments *, IOExternalMethodDispatch...