osx-wiiu-gcc-adapter copied to clipboard
Way too many console messages
I'm getting hundreds of these messages per second in the Console after installing, rebooting, and plugging my adapter:
7/23/15 15:04:12.000 kernel[0] /Users/mitch/Downloads/xboxonecontrollerenabler/WirtualJoy/wirtual_joy_user_client.cpp - virtual IOReturn com_alxn1_driver_WirtualJoyUserClient::externalMethod(uint32_t, IOExternalMethodArguments *, IOExternalMethodDispatch *, OSObject *, void *) (215): externalMehtod
Yes, the last word is misspelled as externalMehtod
in the actual log. Also my user name isn't "mitch", so I don't know where that's coming from.