Yes, sorry, the README. It would also be nice to know which project to submit bug reports and feature requests to.
I figured out how to enable logging, but it hasn't helped so far. I've looked over my code many times and compared it to CloudKitTodo, but can't see why my...
Things are even stranger than I thought. The new `recordChangeTag` _is_ getting saved, at least according to what `getRecordChangeTag` tells me after my `CKFetchRecordChangesOperation` (and the transaction it creates) finishes....
With a clearer picture of what's happening, I'm now reasonably certain this is a YDBCK bug. To summarize: My code asks YDBCK to merge a record received from CloudKit with...
[This comment](https://github.com/yapstudios/YapDatabase/blob/master/YapDatabase/Extensions/CloudKit/YapDatabaseCloudKitTransaction.m#L2966) in `YapDatabaseCloudKitTransaction.m` made me suspicious, since there should be no `CKModifyRecordsOperation` involved when I'm refetching and merging a record. So I tried changing the `maybeUpdateRecordTableRowWithHash:info:` call below it...
I think this would also help my use case. I don't save ratings or playcounts to tags, but still run into the problem that if QL exits abnormally, certain state...
I would prefer everything return string-based paths, because it avoids unnecessary exposure of Java objects and permits consistency with functions for which it doesn't make sense to return a File....
There's nothing wrong with Files per se, but the Clojure philosophy is that data should be kept as POD whenever possible, not locked up in objects (which are essentially mini-DSLs)....
OOP _is_ broke, in that objects can't be manipulated generically by a large library of standard functions. ("It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than...
I can definitely understand your dislike for constant wrapping and unwrapping from an aesthetic standpoint. But I'd argue the need to wrap/unwrap is a symptom of the poor design of...