Yes. Just change the parameters of topic in launch file. I have tried and it works.
> @jsdd25 make sure your python's environment is belong to ROS ,my mistake is forgetting to close annoconda. if this can't work ,you can try to reinstall ROS. Hi. I...
@harnix Sorry. can you tell me more detail about avoiding this error ? I am a little confused about the python environment. Thanks.
> @goktugyildirim , what kind of data did you use? when i use calib data captured around plane motion, it fails to same error too Same problem due to planar...
> I guess the initialization here is to do hand-eye calibration, instead of get initial 3D points. My problem is caused by planar motion. There is no enough excitation for...
It is implemented by a forked project. https://github.com/wh200720041/ssl_slam/pull/9 https://github.com/plusk01/FLOAM_ssl