
Results 23 issues of 二货爱吃白萝卜

https://codesandbox.io/s/weathered-snowflake-n0d1f?file=/src/App.js rule 设置了 message 后,validator 返回的 Promise.reject message 会被无视掉。用户反馈设置了 required 和 message,自定义的 validator message 就用不了了。

ref #33862 # Task List 🚨 Note: Volunteer will be removed if long time not update. ## Preparation - [x] New Design Token @zombieJ - [x] v5 Design Token @arvinxx...

🕙 Plan

2 years ago, we've released antd v4 which bring the compact & dark theme and performance improvement. And now, it's time to plan for the furture version v5. ## Motivation...

🗣 Discussion
✨ Announcement

**Current behavior:** Hydrate will not de-dup ![截屏2021-09-10 下午5 26 53](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5378891/132832499-fb9842fa-2b18-4d10-b622-fa8571cd2611.png) **To reproduce:** Create a styled component and put into page: ```tsx const App = () => ( ); ``` **Expected...

needs triage

Hi there, Since our project has some external deps which config peerDeps but not really need that. Current build will failed since peer check. Please add `--legacy-peer-deps` mark or provide...

看了一下,当年 Menu 基于 Lighthouse 打分做了一下 aria 标签,但是并没有真的连起来。找个时间两个组件一同整理一下。 ref https://github.com/react-component/menu/pull/137

https://github.com/react-component/tree 1. clone repo 2. cnpm install 3. npm start (failed) 在 yarn 和 npm 中可运行,推测是路径相关问题。

Current design is little confuse user for diff the select with combobox. It's better to move the search box into popup. ref: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/9972#issuecomment-379690800

[[中文版模板 / Chinese template](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/pr_cn.md)] ### 🤔 This is a ... - [x] New feature - [ ] Bug fix - [ ] Site / documentation update - [ ] Demo...

[[中文版模板 / Chinese template](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/blob/master/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE/pr_cn.md)] ### 🤔 This is a ... - [ ] New feature - [ ] Bug fix - [x] Site / documentation update - [ ] Demo...