@JedWatson , ping again. Pls help to review and merge. Thank. ref: https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/21440
Hi, do you mean the time picker component or the 'data-to' target input?
> I can volunteer for some easy ones, @zombieJ you cloud assign me a few you feel comfortable with. 😛 wow. Thanks for volunteer. Let me pick one for you.
> I want to join this plan and help to do some easy tasks, but I don't have too much experience doing open source component library, can I ? Thanks...
@ice-zjchen , sure. Let me mark the component~
@heiyu4585 后面有 @ or [HOLD] 的人是已经 assign 过 task 的了,你可以在下面没有 @ 的 component 里再挑一挑
@JiquanWang99 @ice-zjchen @jrr997 @heiyu4585 加一下钉钉群,有问题可以直接问我哈:
> @zombieJ 提示'团队邀请已关闭' Updated~
@miracles1919 , Notification 有静态方法,你先试试 Tabs 吧~
> I want to participate, what can I do? @1247748612, pls feel free to join DingDing group for tasks : )