
Results 181 comments of 二货爱吃白萝卜

Snapchat seems OK. But other icon we may not accept since antd icons is produced by our designer.

@HeskeyBaozi @B3nnyL , cool. Could we add this in `https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design-icons/blob/master/docs/` after this done?

Maybe disable year / month when `disabledDate` provided is better. You can continue work with this. But since [Ant Design 4.0](https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/16911) with rewrite DatePicker design style, it may do some...

有 project 后,这个可以 close 了。直接 project 里管理即可。

This fix just make Animate not throw error but also make Animation not work with React.Fragment. Could you provide more info like reproduce that why you need use Fragment with...

来个 test case?

是有点问题,先用 `showProp` 来控制一下吧: https://codesandbox.io/s/52k4zr1xok

Should provide default any type like `FieldProps`.

> > Should provide default any type like `FieldProps`. > > I've added an explicit `AnyFormValues` type: > > ```ts > export type AnyFormValues = FormValues; > ... > FieldProps...