
Results 181 comments of 二货爱吃白萝卜

> 这个说法略显激进,className 难道不是 antd 组件提供的 API 么,用 className 不能修改样式,应当认为是一个问题? className 可以覆盖样式,这里讨论的是加载顺序对应优先级的问题。

实验下来组件级别之间自身的 order 不重要,提上来也可以减少额外调整成本。改了。

Could you provide an example codesandbox for the Forms usage?

Thanks for your example. Seems it more like Form should provide a scoped validation ability since FormProvider should not take too deep into the form ability.

Could you provide a screenshot for this?

`rc-menu` 里要先升一下 React18 到对应的 testing lib,一步步来

Do you have interested to contribute this feature?

rc component should support basic ability of native component. We usually realize the ability in rc and fill design style in `antd`. So it's not force design process in rc...