Hang Zhao

Results 5 issues of Hang Zhao

编写通知栏也需要一堆builder感觉很麻烦,而且对于api26以上的版本还要添加channel id,可不可以出一个通知栏显示的注解框架呢?感激不尽!

It seems to me that both auto calibration methods and online methods of lidar2imu need lidar pcds and imu poses input. What the difference between them? I think online calibration...

When I try use multical to calibrate one camera and one lidar in my own dataset, I met this problem. The command is "multical_calibrate_sensors --cams multical_ws/hunter_sensor/cameras.yaml --lidars multical_ws/hunter_sensor/lidar.yaml --bag camera0_ouster_2024-03-29-17-19-21.bag...
