Aleksandr Zelenin
Aleksandr Zelenin
I have created a [fiddle]( with such problem - `WARNING: area 1,2,3 not represented on screen`. How i can fix it and why it has occurred?
No logs written while testing with codecept.
``` This is Yii version 2.0.47. ``` ``` # vendor/bin/codecept run common/tests/unit/YiiFixtureTest.php ``` ``` Codeception PHP Testing Framework v4.2.2 Powered by PHPUnit 8.5.33 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors. Common\tests.unit...
Got a error with completely valid code: ``` ERROR: [InvalidArrayOffset]( - 25:36 - Cannot access value on variable $links using a int offset, expecting int ``` ```
Please, see bug description here:
I am trying to introduce the tool into existing project which already has a lot of models distributed by different subfolders of `app_path('Models')`. New tables models for which i would...