Aleksandr Zelenin

Results 13 comments of Aleksandr Zelenin

Problem related with big difference in set's size. If transform data using for instance square root procedure the diagram works well. Here is updated [jsfiddle](, see line 9 of code.

In console: ``` npm install custombox --save ``` In code: ``` import Custombox from 'custombox'; new Custombox.modal({ content: { effect: 'fadein', target: '#popup' } }).open(); ``` And then finally in...

@hqa11 no, i used instead of that tool

Oh sorry. Here is the test: ``` cat common/tests/unit/YiiFixtureTest.php ``` ```

Renaming has no sense. Here is fixture data. ``` ls -1R common/fixtures/ ``` ``` common/fixtures/: OrderFixture.php OrderTrademarkFixture.php OrderTypeFixture.php TrademarkFixture.php data common/fixtures/data: r_order_trademark.php r_orders.php r_orders_type.php r_trademark.php ``` ``` cat common/fixtures/data/r_trademark.php ```...

No, but as you can see they gain an `id`'s: ``` Array ( [0] => tm1 [1] => Array ( [title] => title1 [id] => 1 ) [2] => )...

Unit. When i run tests i see that `\Codeception\Lib\Connector\Yii2\Logger` used which produce no output. And i am trying to replace it, but in most cases this is doesn't help: ```...

@DplusG, no it doesn't help. If to modify `BaseYii::info` in such way: ``` public static function info($message, $category = 'application') { (new Output([]))->debug([ __METHOD__, get_class(static::getLogger()) ]); static::getLogger()->log($message, Logger::LEVEL_INFO, $category); }...

Mostly part to files: ``` ... [ 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', 'categories' => ['1c-put-bill'], 'logFile' => '@app_root/logs/1c/put-bill.log', 'logVars' => [], ], ... ```