Aleksandr Zelenin
Aleksandr Zelenin
Problem related with big difference in set's size. If transform data using for instance square root procedure the diagram works well. Here is updated [jsfiddle](, see line 9 of code.
In console: ``` npm install custombox --save ``` In code: ``` import Custombox from 'custombox'; new Custombox.modal({ content: { effect: 'fadein', target: '#popup' } }).open(); ``` And then finally in...
@hqa11 no, i used instead of that tool
Oh sorry. Here is the test: ``` cat common/tests/unit/YiiFixtureTest.php ``` ```
Renaming has no sense. Here is fixture data. ``` ls -1R common/fixtures/ ``` ``` common/fixtures/: OrderFixture.php OrderTrademarkFixture.php OrderTypeFixture.php TrademarkFixture.php data common/fixtures/data: r_order_trademark.php r_orders.php r_orders_type.php r_trademark.php ``` ``` cat common/fixtures/data/r_trademark.php ```...
No, but as you can see they gain an `id`'s: ``` Array ( [0] => tm1 [1] => Array ( [title] => title1 [id] => 1 ) [2] => )...
Unit. When i run tests i see that `\Codeception\Lib\Connector\Yii2\Logger` used which produce no output. And i am trying to replace it, but in most cases this is doesn't help: ```...
@DplusG, no it doesn't help. If to modify `BaseYii::info` in such way: ``` public static function info($message, $category = 'application') { (new Output([]))->debug([ __METHOD__, get_class(static::getLogger()) ]); static::getLogger()->log($message, Logger::LEVEL_INFO, $category); }...
Mostly part to files: ``` ... [ 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', 'categories' => ['1c-put-bill'], 'logFile' => '@app_root/logs/1c/put-bill.log', 'logVars' => [], ], ... ```