We should support multiple index searches with date math index name resolution. However, this does not work if one or more index uses date math resolution. Searches of multiple date...
Is there any work being done on this? Do anyone have a estimate on the amount of work that would be required to support up to version 7?
We're getting a PGV error in https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/pull/3949#issuecomment-409327245 of the following: ``` proto package names should not be mixed in the same directory ``` This check exists at https://github.com/lyft/protoc-gen-star/blob/f3b83fca61817e55058744eb1a3c8e2e95a0dada/gatherer.go#L114. Is there...
Local persistent volumes of type root fails to mount if mesos-agent is run in the docker container. I assume this is because the mesos-agent process is unaware that it's running...
Some builds will fail with the error below. It doesn't happen consistently and a simple rebuild (no bazel clean) will allow the build to succeed. _see full stacktrace at the...